The Queen of My Dreams is a 2023 Canadian comedy drama film written and directed by Fawzia Mirza, making her full-length directorial debut. The film stars Amrit Kaur as Azra, a Pakistani Canadian woman who has had a strained relationship with her parents since coming out as lesbian. After the sudden unexpected death of her father Hassan (Hamza Haq), Azra undergoes an emotional journey

Overview The Queen of My Dreams

The film had its world premiere at the 2023 Toronto International Film Festival and was named to TIFF’s annual Canada’s Top Ten list for 2023. It received positive reviews, with 100% of 12 critics’ reviews on Rotten Tomatoes being positive, and an average rating of 7.8/10. The Queen of My Dreams received five Canadian Screen Award nominations, winning for Best Lead Performance (Amrit Kaur) and Best Original Song

Directed by The Queen of My Dreams

Fawzia Mirza

Writing Credits The Queen of My Dreams

Fawzia Mirza

Music by The Queen of My Dreams

Alysha Brilla

Produced by The Queen of My Dreams

Kamil Chimaexecutive producer
Damon D’Oliveiraexecutive producer
Britt Kerrline producer
Arshad Khanassociate producer
Jason Levangieproducer
Andria Wilson Mirzaproducer (as Andria Wilson)
Carol Ann Noronhaexecutive producer
Josh Petersexecutive producer
Robina Riccitielloexecutive producer
Alexander Stegmaierexecutive producer
Marc Tetreaultproducer

Cast  The Queen of My Dreams

Amrit KaurAzra
Hamza HaqHassan
Charlie BoyleSharon
Nimra BuchaMariam
Trina CorkumMrs. Shah
Josh MacDonaldMr. Sharpe
Emerson MacNeilAlicia
Kya MoseyRachel
Meher JaffriSadia / Young Rani
Kirstin HowellSturdy Woman 1
Lindsay WattersSturdy Woman 2
Uzma BegHassan’s mother
Ali A. KazmiZahid
Adnan JaffarIrfan
Bakhtawar MazharRani Khala
Ayana ManjiYoung Azra
Zara UsmanRani

Reviews The Queen of My Dreams

The film has a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 12 reviews, with an average rating of 7.8/10. The Hollywood Reporter review praised the film, calling it a “vibrant tale of mother and daughter” and highlighting the strong performance by lead actress Amrit Kaur.The review from The Movie Buff website noted the film’s focus on the protagonist Azra’s “rebellious and free-spirited nature” as well as her “less spiritual and non-conforming younger self”.